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Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday - September 29, 2014

First day really back in 3-4 weeks

AM ( at home):
Back Squat
^all of the above; 8 reps each

A. Strict Press 3RM - 43kg (eeeek. Needs to go back up)
B. Push Press 3RM - 60kg x 3, 63kg x 2

C. 4 Rounds AFAP
25 Wall Balls
20 Pull Ups (attempted as many butterflies here)
15 GHD Sit Ups
10 Power Cleans (95lbs)
*rest 3:00 between each round
Time: 25:05

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday - September 8, 2014

A. 3RM Snatch from hips/blocks
59kg (110lbs) Went light due to back. Felt good.

B. Back SqT - climb to heavy 10 rep for the day; hit that # 3 x 10 ; not max; building /prepn body here

B. EMOM x 21
1. Muscle Ups - consistent rep (athlete specific) can be held through the 7rds
2. Burpees - 10 to touching target
3. Box Jumps (30/24) step down - :30 worth
3-4 muscle ups each time
Roughly 10 box jumps